
How To Set Up Proxies In Multilogin

Welcome to our tutorial! We're going to guide you through the process of setting up proxies in the Multilogin app. Whether you're interested in using HTTP Proxies or SOCKS5 Proxies, we've got you covered.

Step 1: Locating Your Proxy Details

To start, you'll need to find your proxy details including the proxy IP, port, username, and password. This information is typically located within your proxy service account, outside of the Multilogin app.

  1. Log into your proxy account.
  2. Navigate to the section where your proxy details are listed, which could be under sections like Dedicated Proxies or Shared Proxies, depending on what you have purchased.


  1. This will send you to the list of available proxies to purchase. To access your proxies, click on the button in the upper-right corner of the table labeled My Dedicated Proxies or My Dedicated SOCKS.


After navigating to your proxies, you'll be presented with a detailed view. In the main table, you'll find the IPs and ports for your proxies. On the right sidebar, the Proxy Credentials section displays your username and password. It's important to note that you have the option to change your proxy password if necessary.

Keep in mind that these Proxy Credentials are global. This means that any changes you make will apply to all your proxies, regardless of their type or service category.


Step 2: Setting Up Proxies in Multilogin

With your proxy details at hand, we're now ready to set them up in Multilogin.

Creating a Browser Profile

Open Multilogin and click on Create new under the Browser profile section in the left sidebar.


Setting Up an HTTP Proxy Profile

  1. Name your browser profile and click on Edit proxy settings.


  1. For the connection type, select HTTP proxy.


  1. Fill in your proxy details:

    • IP: The IP address of your HTTP proxy.
    • Port: The port number for your HTTP proxy.
    • Login: Your proxy username.
    • Password: Your proxy password.
  2. Click Check proxy to test the connection.


  1. Once verified, click Create profile to finalise your browser profile setup.


Now, when you launch this profile, you should see your new IP address, indicating that the HTTP proxy is active.


Setting Up a SOCKS5 Proxy Profile

  1. Start by naming your browser profile and selecting Edit proxy settings.


  1. Choose SOCKS5 proxy as the connection type.


  1. Enter your SOCKS5 proxy details similarly:

    • IP: The IP address of your SOCKS5 proxy.
    • Port: The port number for your SOCKS5 proxy.
    • Login: Your proxy username.
    • Password: Your proxy password.
  2. Test the connection by clicking Check proxy.


  1. Click Create profile to complete the setup.


Launching this profile will also display your IP address, confirming the SOCKS5 proxy is working.


Congratulations, you've successfully set up your proxies in Multilogin! Enjoy browsing anonymously. If you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to reach out for support. Happy browsing!


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Buy Proxy now HTTP Proxies or SOCKS5, Dedicated or Shared, Residential or Datacenter. Fully Anonymous and Premium.

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What Can We Offer You?

We offer a unique proxy infrastructure, monitored 24/7 with a 99% uptime. In the rare event of a failure, we take immediate action to resolve the issue.

Fast HTTP Proxies and SOCKS5

Our proxy servers are optimized for performance, powered by a 1Gb/s network. Whether you use our residential or datacenter proxies, you'll experience seamless performance.

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Our Dedicated, Shared, Residential Proxy, SOCKS5, Shadowsocks, and VPNs offer unlimited bandwidth, allowing you to use them as much as you need without any concerns.

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Choose Your Proxy by Country, State, or City

Select proxies by city, state, or country. Our static IP proxies, VPNs, residential or datacenter, can be filtered by your desired location. Residential proxies can also be filtered by ISP.

Dual Authentication

Opt for username and password authentication, or authenticate by adding your IP address to our system. Access your proxy password or add your IP in your account.

Monthly IP Address Refresh

We offer monthly proxies, both residential and datacenter. For long-term purchases, we provide the option to change proxies directly in your account.

Proxies Focused on Top Privacy & Security

Our static proxies and VPNs (residential or datacenter) ensure 100% anonymity without any IP or DNS leaks. We maintain a no-logs policy.

Affordable Prices, High-Quality Proxies

Our Residential and Datacenter Proxies are competitively priced, ensuring affordability without compromising on quality.

Diverse Proxy Services and VPNs

As a leading proxy provider, we offer 13 services, including Residential and Datacenter Proxies, SOCKS5, Shadowsock, and VPNs, available in static or rotating options.

16/7/365 Technical Support

We understand the importance of support. If you have questions about our services, contact us via Live Chat. For any issues, open a support ticket in your account.

User-Friendly Settings

Our dashboard is easy to use and intuitive. We constantly seek ways to enhance user experience. If you need assistance, contact us and we'll gladly help!

High quality & private proxies

Dream no more! Get acquainted with our products today: protected proxy-servers, at incredible speed and minimum cost from you. Still not convinced? Check our proxies features out: - work with any sites/programs - supports HTTP/HTTPS, SOCKS5, ShadowSocks protocols - simple login: your proxy password or by your IP

With our proxies you get fast, stable and most important, an anonymous tool to get by on the internet. High quality proxies is our motto. Try our products today: spare 5 minutes from your time to gain continuos work-flow.

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