
How To Change Your Account Password

How to Change Your Proxy Account Password

Maintaining security for your proxy account is critical for protecting your online interactions. Regular updates to your proxy account password are essential for ensuring your privacy and security when using our proxy services. This guide provides a straightforward process for updating your proxy account password within just a few steps.

Step-by-Step Guide to Updating Your Proxy Account Password

  1. Log In to Your Proxy Account: Begin by accessing your proxy account. Enter your login credentials securely.

  2. Access the Main Menu: After logging in, locate the hamburger button at the top left corner. Click it to open the main menu, your central hub for all proxy account settings and personalization options.

    Proxy Dashboard

  3. Navigate to Proxy Account Settings: Click the pen icon located near your username within the menu. This leads you to the area where you can edit your profile and security settings for your proxy account.

    Edit Profile

  4. Open the Password Change Window: A pop-up window will appear, allowing you to update various details of your proxy account. Focus on the password section to start your update.

    Change Password Modal

  5. Enter Your Current and New Passwords: Type in your current password followed by the new password you wish to use. Confirm the new password by entering it again in the designated confirmation field to ensure accuracy.

  6. Confirm the Password Change: Click on Apply Changes to finalize the update. This change is immediate, and a notification will confirm the successful update of your proxy account password.

    Apply New Password

Best Practices for a Strong Proxy Account Password

  • Use a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.
  • Ensure it is at least 12 characters long.
  • Avoid using sequential characters or repeated patterns.
  • Do not include personal information that could be easily guessed or found.
  • Opt for a passphrase that is memorable to you but hard for others to guess.

By following these instructions, you can effectively and securely update your proxy account password, keeping your proxy services secure. Regular password changes are a crucial part of maintaining your online security, particularly when managing sensitive proxy settings.


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Select proxies by city, state, or country. Our static IP proxies, VPNs, residential or datacenter, can be filtered by your desired location. Residential proxies can also be filtered by ISP.

Dual Authentication

Opt for username and password authentication, or authenticate by adding your IP address to our system. Access your proxy password or add your IP in your account.

Monthly IP Address Refresh

We offer monthly proxies, both residential and datacenter. For long-term purchases, we provide the option to change proxies directly in your account.

Proxies Focused on Top Privacy & Security

Our static proxies and VPNs (residential or datacenter) ensure 100% anonymity without any IP or DNS leaks. We maintain a no-logs policy.

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As a leading proxy provider, we offer 13 services, including Residential and Datacenter Proxies, SOCKS5, Shadowsock, and VPNs, available in static or rotating options.

16/7/365 Technical Support

We understand the importance of support. If you have questions about our services, contact us via Live Chat. For any issues, open a support ticket in your account.

User-Friendly Settings

Our dashboard is easy to use and intuitive. We constantly seek ways to enhance user experience. If you need assistance, contact us and we'll gladly help!

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With our proxies you get fast, stable and most important, an anonymous tool to get by on the internet. High quality proxies is our motto. Try our products today: spare 5 minutes from your time to gain continuos work-flow.

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